Tech Tipps & Tricks

Tips, Recommendations and Information.

Keep on Marching, Short stories...

Re-direct Home Files on your Mac

Categories: Systems

How to Redirect your Home Files on your Mac and saving local storage space.

Scottish Values

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Categories: General

Fly the flag and be proud 2b Scottish.

How to Delete a file via Terminal

Categories: Training

How to Delete a File or Directory via Terminal – Command to Remove a Folder and its Contents

Here are the steps to delete a directory in Linux using the rm command:

Digital Consulting

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Categories: Systems

###Our Digital Strategy Expertise

Digital Consulting

Digital technologies are some of the fastest evolving entities among all modern means of marketing and advertising. And in spite of the many new and exciting opportunities of engagement that they offer, this evolution also compels brands to regularly transform their established digital marketing infrastructures to maintain relevance among competitors. GMI can put its many years of digital experience to help you identify and isolate digital technologies that can drive the most growth for your brand, and thereby guide you towards allocating your resources towards these instead of distributing them throughout platforms that deliver little impact

7 emerging web design trends for 2024

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Categories: WEB Site Plans

This was something posted on the Weaver's Space Community by Bratt. Always a great source of knowledge and certainly does his research. The related articles are also worth a look.


Jesse Sumrak

Jesse Sumrak

Mac OS Bootdrive

Categories: Systems

Create a USB flash drive for Used Mac OS.

QT Vendor portal

Categories: Business

Create an Area where Vendors of QTechUAe and companies of the MQHG can initially register their companies with us. Then manage the documents such as invoices without paper.


Categories: Systems

A standard local admin should be set up on all Devices

Review SSS Server access

Categories: IT-Security

Ensure only Authorised access to servers and Shares